"Why do you make it more difficult than it has to be?" I hear it all the time and never have a good answer or a smart-ass comeback. I shrug it off, feel stupid or get pissed. I really don't know why I make life more difficult, I just do. I never notice it unless someone points it out and I am in an agreeable mood. Well, I recently had insight into my difficult ways and all I could do is laugh!
We have had this toaster for years. Other than being a little stylish, there is nothing super exciting about it; it's just a toaster. No need to whip out the instruction manual to operate it. There is a dial to adjust from light to dark and a couple of preset buttons...easy! Now, bare with me...The first time I used it, I threw my English Muffins in and pressed the lever. After they popped up, I saw they needed more time so I pushed the lever down a second time and waited. They were burned when they popped out the second time. Lesson learned: don't leave them in as long during the second time (This is my train of thought...and this is coming from a man who has rebuilt an engine, rewired his house and remodeled a kitchen!!) Yes, I know about the dial. I know what the dial does...but did I think about it??? No! I did not apply that particular knowledge to the problem at hand. I simply pushed the lever down a second time and made sure that I popped the muffins out before they got burned. This is how I toast my English Muffins. I have done this for some time and never thought twice about it until...I started seeing the chickens:)
The other morning I wanted English Muffins and so began the toaster ritual. I put them in, press the lever and go to my office. I hear the toaster from my office and go back to press the lever for a second time. I walk out and stop half way, realizing I must go back to attend to my muffins. I go back but something else pulls me away...back and forth I go like a ping-pong ball until I see...I'm being distracted! When I get back to the toaster it finally hits me, "why am I making this so difficult?...there's a dial to adjust the setting!" Really??? How long have I been doing it this way? Lesson learned: use the dial to adjust the toast!
I am now happy to say that I have one less thing to make difficult for myself!
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